What is an Euncoin Economy?

Why do Euncoins have value
Euncoin has value as we put a value on it. Euncoin is useful and can be used as a form of money. Euncoin has Durability, Portability, Scarcity, Divisibility, Recognizability, Liquidity etc. which are also the characteristics of money based on the properties of mathematics. The reason for not relying on physical properties like gold and silver or trust in central authorities like fiat currencies is their vulnerability and volatility. Based on mathematics, it’s backed with it. Including attributes, the thing which is required for a form of money to hold value is trust and its adoption. In the case of Euncoin, this value can be measured by its growing number of users, merchants, and startups. Like the other currencies, Euncoin’s value comes up directly from the person willing to accept it as payment.
Is Euncoin a Ponzi Scheme
Ponzi schemes are designed to collapse at the expense of the last investors when there are no new participants. A Ponzi is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to its investors from their own money, or the money paid by subsequent investors, instead of from profit earn by the individuals running the business. Euncoin is a free software project which actually has no central authority who might have the control over it. As a result, nobody can make fraudulent representations about investment returns. So, like the other major currencies, it has no guaranteed purchasing power. The exchange rate floats freely. That is why there is volatility. Because of this volatility, people make money or lose money unpredictably. This sets Euncoins apart from the traditional fiat currencies.
Doesn’t Euncoin unfairly benefit early adopters?
Yes, like other cryptocurrencies, Euncoin benefits its early adopters. Currently, each Euncoin attributes to 1 penny and in the near future when people will start using it more widely, a simple Euncoin will stand for 1 dollar or more than that, then the early adopters will get some beneficiary as the risk is bigger for them. Investing in a new and unproven technology and trusting on its security is harder for people. A lot of early adopters can’t make again with the coins as they run out of patience and sell them before it becomes valuable or bought a tiny amount of coins and don’t get a profit. There is no ensuring that the price of Euncoin will increase or decrease by a specific margin. This is like investing on an early startup that might result in gaining through its usefulness and popularity or end up in losing. The vision is to make people involved in this community pretty faster. Early users are taking a risk by investing in a new project. They are putting their trust and, with the help of the community that they are supporting, more people will be aware of the uses of the coin and this will gain value over time.
Won’t the finite amount of Euncoins be a limitation?
There will be a total of forty billion coins created. Thirty billion coins are to be distributed, which is a finite number. Thus, there is a limitation of the finite number in one sense but, in the other, the price of the coin will increase, which is an advantage. The total amount of coin created for the Euncoin network is bigger than any other network, so, the limitation for the finite amount is fewer than other networks. When all the coins have been distributed, , there will not be any coin left to give to the donors. When this time has come to pass,, there is a plan by which users can opt to spend their coins directly as an alternate form of fiat currency.
Won’t Euncoin fall into a deflationary spiral?
A deflationary spiral is an event wherein the price falls or is expected to fall, and users move their assets to future purchases in order to benefit themselves from the deflation. At the same time, merchants have to lower the price as well in order to stimulate demand. At this point, problems get worse and it leads to an economic disaster which is known as a deflationary spiral. There are some reasons why Euncoin stands avoiding this situation. — Euncoin is designed to increase in value. Euncoin’s accessibility will be worldwide so that people all over the world can use it. As the accessibility increases, more people will get and use the coin, which leads to stability. When the community is stabilized, there no reasons that it falls into a deflationary spiral. Besides, it happens when a huge amount of coins are lost or destroyed which only happens by losing the wallet. At this point, Euncoin wallets are hard to be lost. There is a password recovery system which protects wallets from being lost. Finally, when the coins have accessibility worldwide, having no blocking acquiring stability along with security, there are no chances or reasons that they would fall into a deflationary spiral.
Isn’t speculation and volatility a problem for Euncoin?
Speculation means varying the price very fast with no stability which is a problem, and users like to avoid the risky situations. Euncoin is designed to increase in value along with stability. When the value of the coin is increased, donors will get fewer coins for each dollar they donate which will bring stability protecting users beneficiary. It doesn’t change in value unexpectedly rapid. It does increase in value but with stability. Its nature also as a cryptocurrency guarantees that there will be some ups and downs with the coin’s value. To remove this situation, a lot of users have to use it and, with worldwide easy accessibility, it’s possible to bring the coin toa stabilized point where it can fully avoid speculation, unlike other currencies. To make a big economic zone and instant access to business takes time and that is what the vision is. With increasing facilities and the coin’s spending ability, users chose to use the Euncoin and that is how the speculation and vitality problem is avoided.
What if someone bought up all the existing Euncoins?
Well, this is actually impossible. If anyone has to buy all the coins he has to invest forty billion dollars. Investing such amount of money on a new cryptocurrency is impossible for someone and no one surely wills to take the huge risks. Because when somebody buys all the coins, the coins will crash. The vision of cryptocurrency is to increase and decrease the value of the coin by trading, using and spending them. Buying them all will stop these process, so, no chance to make a profit from the coin or, if anyone tries to buy all the coins by manipulating, it will result in no place to sell them which is loose. So, no one intends to take the huge risk on a new crypto currency and that’s why it is impossible for anyone to buy all the Euncoin.
What if someone creates a better digital currency?
If anyone creates a better digital currency then people will definitely invest in them. However, it is possible to make a certain modification to overcome and make Euncoin as useful as them. To compete with other cryptocurrency existingin the market, a lot of modifications and upgrades have been done and, in the future, it will continue to provide the same facility that another digital currency gives along with some extra facilities.
Website: https://euncoin.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/geteuncoin
Twitter: twitter.com/OfficialEunCoin/
Google: plus.google.com/102636103264551759594
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/euncoin
YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UC7zjRALonj6Qj78qHPBkwbg
Instagram: www.instagram.com/officialeuncoin
Pinterest: www.pinterest.ph/euncoin


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